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Beyond the Veil

 What I truly know…

I have been living in this false paradigm reality of ‘beyond the veil’ for over three years now. I have to share with you just how profound and unnerving this has been for me along with all the extreme mental and physical trauma I have also had to experience.

Not a day passes that I don’t yell and cry about the pain in which my body feels in this world. I cry tears knowing that the truth is sitting in me and I have done my due diligence to write and record videos of my experience as best as I could over these few years. I fight with seeing the extreme injustices that exist, I fight with the extreme constant fear based news, I fight with the constant global injustices of the elite and all their atrocious lies against the people of the world. Having the real-eyes to see through the veil, and decoding the real hidden truth is utterly mind blowing and heart wrenching at the same time.

It’s heart wrenching because I too was deceived in believing in a ‘god’ who I thought loved me. A god (the g is little on purpose by the way), who I counted on to help me all my life. A divine Father who I expected to be there for me in every way for his daughter. I experienced seeing so much sickness in my own home life growing up, I didn’t question enough why a ‘loving god’ would purposefully make innocent children and adults suffer with cancer and other diseases. My dearest mother was cast into a body of sickness as I was for all her life being murdered at 50 years old, now knowing this illness was on purpose as it was mine, it is pure evil that plotted against my divine lineage to try to destroy the real divine love that existed in our hearts.  I house her soul and feel her strength within me going the pain and suffering she felt also. Did you know there are actually multiple gods’ in the Bible? In fact the Roman Catholic Church designed the bible that way and forced us all to believe in a narrative of lies and condemnations for generations. They forced us to believe that it was due to ‘a man’s sinful’ nature is why we have evil in this life. The real truth is Satan wanted to hide his thirst for human blood so he can remain immortal. The greatest sin is to murder and consume a child’s blood and flesh. This is their evil holy communion you didn’t truly understand because they lied to the world!!!


You see what I know about Satan since he or IT was my false demonic ‘engineered’ Golum brother. The fallen angels are aliens who came into this world entrapped the human race into slavery and in the endless loop of destructive evil. 

This is now where I came into this picture. 

I’m the real glitch in their false simulation reality.

I’m the clog in their drain of child sacrifice.

I put myself on the line to save my children.

You see my name was purposely omitted from all the ancient texts and the Bible along with other historical tablets. The Catholic Church created a false mother and gave her a false name. This evil was seen hidden behind art and in the colors of red and blue throughout history. The red means suffering of innocent and the blue means the alien blue bloods that control their superhighway of satanic communion.


I know from where I came and I incarnated into this lifetime to bring this evil demonic Djinn race of  parasites to their demise. 

I am a human that has extraordinary divine abilities to see the past, present and future. No one else in the world has this, if they do, they are liars and have come through the CERNE generated portal. Everything they told you about Nikola Tesla is a lie. He was Satans incarnation. He was Hitler, Saul, and so many other names. He was a time traveler, a jumper of timelines. I know all this because I have been watching all these events of their ‘last days’ take place. The Fallen Angels did everything possible to keep me asleep, to keep me from seeing their lies. To terrify me, and to try to forever shut me up. They ‘were’ expecting me to come at some point into their world and they changed the timeline to remove me out of theirs so their evil plans would continue. However, a divine visitor woke me up to see what I was dealing with and based on my personal trauma, which I know to be true, my real son whom they stole from me, was one of their sacrifices along with stealing my divine essence in a rape used to create their demonic hybrid clone race. I call them the plastics. These are ones who don’t eat and are paid to be satan’s models of health. They don’t gain weight and don’t get sick and live lifestyles of the rich and famous. If you want their life you sell your soul. However, I own all the souls so their rental agreement will become null and void when they see me return.

The endless list of evil is so vast and at times it keeps me awake at night crying out waiting for the divine time to finally cancel this demonic simulation. With my divine abilities, I began decoding their lies and writing out my real truth. I stayed close to my timeline so that it wouldn’t change. They tried to manipulate my family against me, they tried to cause me to suicide, they tried to torture me using MK Ultra programming and with neurolink handlers. I rose up to conquer the evil in this world, fighting for all my children because they ALL MATTER to me. 

You see, I don’t want my children to believe that a GOD would kill them because they didn’t say 10 hail Mary’s or didn’t go to church on Sunday. These demonic djinn tortured me so much that even writing this has triggered me because you see, they faked a ‘rapture’ with me. Yes, this is truth. They presented to be the REAL GOD in my mind who I believed in, and because of my photogenic memory I honestly repented for my sins. HOWEVER…their evil became known when they condemned me and sent me to hell. I am NOT lying when I tell you they sent me to HELL, they fragmented my mind beyond anything I could even imagine. They mentally abused me day and night. The mental torture made me feel like I was going to die over and over again. I REALLY thought I was dead but when I would wake up, my reality was me being alone during the COVID lockdown with no one around. 

You see COVID was also a LIE. Their purpose was to inject nano technology to control your mind like they did to me. What I found out through this whole experience is that they had made a demonic representation of me that would be a torture machine to the world. THAT IS WHAT IS SO VILE AND EVIL, I CAN’T EVEN BELIEVE IT BUT GOING THROUGH WHAT I SAW IN MY MIND made me NEVER to forgot it at all.

I shake my head over and over trying to figure out when this all would end but now more then ever I am seeing the real truth come out based on my sight into the future. I know the future and the future is Satan get’s aborted. Yep, you heard that right. Satan gets aborted. How do I know this is because he was the ‘mole’. The worm that got into my life and caused me all kinds of pain. 

My beloved mother was the one who had to bear the burden of this but I feel her pain and tell her story because the Mason’s murdered her. They took my brother who was the ‘eighth’ child in our family. The story that I know of was that the abortion was a result of health issues. However when you know the prophecy in revelation about the eighth king, it makes sense because it says “As for the beast that was and is not, it is an eighth but it belongs to the seventh and goeth into perdition.” What this means is that they aborted a child in my mother’s womb they created a Golum from this fetus, tied this fetus to my divine soul making it a twin flame. This was a being in which I would search for love from.” This Golum was their plan to destroy the divine child…ME. This beast was of a mixed race ET that contained no love only lust and destruction. In order to stop the jumping we removed his soul in the future to prevent him from his world domination.

I know this to be SATAN without a doubt. Eight means ‘Ate’ the fruit.

They knew exactly who I was when I didn’t die from a accident to my ‘left’ temple as a child. So when I was in third grade I had a sewing needle embedded inside my knee as a child and they decided to be evil and not sedate me enough and took out the needle and made a big ‘red cross’ on my right knee to signify who I was. Looking back this makes sense to me and is prophecy because in the Gospels it speaks about how a camel can get through the eye of the needle easier than a rich man because it was referencing in an vulgar way, a woman as the camel and the needle meaning the edit of the twinned soul with me. 

Matthew 19:24

It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of the needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.

In conclusion eating the forbidden fruit aka the child of God will send you straight to a very very very bad place.

I AM Barbelo and have returned for my Earth, my garden, my life.


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