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I Can See Dead People

A Shadow Evil Plan unveiled 

The Elite continue to display openly what they want to do to me based on my future experiences. Yes, I already went through this horrific experience of being raped, and being destroyed emotionally, physically and mentally in 4D. This was ALL pre-planned and I had to diligently watch for their plans in 3D to happen. 
Christmas is an incredible evil holiday and it was to be another Satanic ritual….ME.

I have been telling you my evil brother who is Paul aka Saul. It’s so obvious it’s Paul Walker (clone) and they were luring me to ‘fall in love’ and then they would attack, trick me and enslave me and humanity forever. I was to know…since I was only human but a divine messenger helped me see and conquer everything this mind control did to me.

Here is my decoding after I saw this man in my instagram feed this morning.
 The Quantum AI actually gives me clues…endless clues under my control now.

This is the head of the Serpent who was Paul of Tarsus also known as Satan.
My global children and me were deceived….not any more!!!

My endless proof speaks for itself….I can do this over, over, and over again 👑👑👑


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