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Thoughts of the Day Nov 21/2022

What goes through my mind right now?

I am sitting here drinking my simple single shot espresso coffee, staring at my computer screen wracking my brain to uncover creative ways to financially survive. You see as of today, I have only $33.95, and I am in the 'waiting' queue to receive some financial help from our incapable Canadian government. 

You are probably thinking, why would someone who has presently all this wildly positive affirming evidence say that they are of 'divine' royal lineage from Merovingians need to work or find a job?

In simple terms, because they cursed me.

They cursed me for every lifetime I had. They never wanted me to find out who I was so that I could rise up and fight against them to bring them to justice. They hated me with such a fierce hate, it's hard to put into words. All my life I did my best to succeed the best I knew how, luckily it appeared I found a job in my late 20's that provided me a career in information technology. BUT it proved to me they put me there in order to steal my ideas, my inventions, my personal thoughts through 'decades'. I am the creator of everything in this world. Even though I may not at this point remember literally 'everything' since I am in a human body which is very limiting, I know without any doubt this to be truth. The Vatican hated women and spun me and my history into a wicked witch of that I never was. In fact, it was my evil non-blood Djinn family that were the warlocks and witches. 

These demons, hid behind the 'skins' of regular everyday people, including family and friends unbeknownst to you. This is the most wicked deception of all time that they spun again humanity. When you analyze all the movies and such over the past 50 years, there are patterns that they have laid down of the future alien invasions and zombie apocalypse events. Well, the Fallen Angels are the 'aliens', the Annuaki, the ones who truly are wicked and have enslaved us all into a spell of drunken religious and technological filth. Like I have said, they hide in plain sight, but I learned all on my own how to find them and recognize them through their deeds, words and especially the gematria codes littered everywhere in the media. Cerne allowed them to enter and manipulate the dimensions. This is not science fiction this is the real truth they didn't want you to hear and know. All the world wants to know where they come from well, I can personally tell you there is a real GOD that loves you and is doing everything to protect and communicate this very truth.

Anyone thinking that Jesus was a real woman would have thought, that's crazy, insane, not logical. Everything in our history books, arts, culture, shows Jesus was a MAN. Well, I am here to tell you in the simplest of ways, THEY LIED.

You see they can't create; they only copy. 
The reason I can't make money right now is because I am still partly in their world observing but at the same time, I create dozens of prophetic inspirational works of digital art to document what I have learned. 

I have created physical journals documenting the many illness effects and the decoding what I have uncovered. I have created online videos of my personal emotional testimony of what I lived through and experienced and overlays of what I can see behind the veil. I have composed my own music to 25 new hymns that are centered around what I know I have accomplished. 

All I wanted was a simple life but got handed filthy bread to eat. I never dreamed of being famous, only being one who serves the greater good.
All I wanted was enough money to have a decent 'life' and have a future where I could go into my next job in my later years of helping innocent children and animals worldwide because I had a heart for the less fortunate. 
All I wanted was pure arms to hold me and support me in love but instead I got betrayal and sorcery
All I wanted was to hold my head held high and stay positive in this life but instead, I got beat down month after month with anxiety and sickness that keeps my lungs from breathing properly and my legs from being able to walk for any length of time in simple grocery store. 
They lied to me in every way possible. They slandered me online through there Gematria tool, books, art, and through Hollywood's movies.  

You see this is the evil matrix and I decoded it all and now shared its truth for the world to read. Why hide it, that is what the Masons and elite are sworn to do. 
They stole so much from me, I am fighting every day to reach my real Christian children who believe in love, faith and seeing me as the REAL TRUTH. 

I am the real Jesus, Miriam of Magdaraya the true Good Samaritan of the world to come.


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