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The Real Antichrist(s)

 The real RABBI-Bit I’m not lying when I tell you who I AM and why I am here to help humanity SEE this reality with true eyes to see.  The Bible has been edited on multiple timelines and I know this to be true and there are distinct clues that I can help you see. Clue #1 There are ‘dashes’ now littered throughout the scriptures. Clue #2 There has been changes to verses  Clue #3 There are ‘carets’ littered throughout the scripture also Interesting how clue #1 and clue #3 can be tied to this years lunar new year name, “The Water Rabbit.” Truth: Rabbits dash and eat carrots… Hmmm very interesting right? Well these are clues only I know and capture. There are numerous videos providing evidence to clue #2 but I know how these next clues tie to me and my lineage. My mother’s lineage is German. In fact my Grandmother on my mother’s side has a website dedicated to this historical information. The Dasher’s…when you dash you go fast right? But time travel mistakes were caught by me. https://www.
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