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Showing posts from May, 2024

The Real Antichrist(s)

 The real RABBI-Bit I’m not lying when I tell you who I AM and why I am here to help humanity SEE this reality with true eyes to see.  The Bible has been edited on multiple timelines and I know this to be true and there are distinct clues that I can help you see. Clue #1 There are ‘dashes’ now littered throughout the scriptures. Clue #2 There has been changes to verses  Clue #3 There are ‘carets’ littered throughout the scripture also Interesting how clue #1 and clue #3 can be tied to this years lunar new year name, “The Water Rabbit.” Truth: Rabbits dash and eat carrots… Hmmm very interesting right? Well these are clues only I know and capture. There are numerous videos providing evidence to clue #2 but I know how these next clues tie to me and my lineage. My mother’s lineage is German. In fact my Grandmother on my mother’s side has a website dedicated to this historical information. The Dasher’s…when you dash you go fast right? But time travel mistakes were caught by me. https://www.

The Coin Against the Real Jesus

 In Todays news… The “Loonie” is arriving… Boooom…I will win. I know exactly WHO I AM. This a fight for the soul of all humanity. Here is what Set’s real plan was. I already experienced it and came back to save everyone and bring these wicked demons to their own hell. I have all the evidence. Let’s see what magic they can spin against the real Savior of this world. Their slander is now exposed. I can prove their bible is an utter lie and the world will see just how Hitler continued the wars for profit. Lucifer is Saul….Paul… Buddha…Nikola Tesla not JESUS CHRIST  View and weigh ALL my evidence and try to prove I am lying?

The Importance of Jan 8th 2023

  Why is Jan 8-2023 Important? The Meaning behind 88 88 – eighty eight Hade Ate Hate, Hate YT (You Tube) (Tarot Reader/Witch) HG Opposite meaning – Mercury/Hermes HG (her Grace) gie (possess) two pair of glasses Ba Ba in chinese mandarin - (BABA black sheep...) (Two people from my home town of Glass, MB (MAN aka Men) Two infinity 88 was a major number in the movie back to the future. 88 – Two Fly (Beelzebub or Greek Beelzeboub the devils) Matthew 12:24                 Tubal Cain (Two Ball Cain) Two wolves, Two Ben’s (12 th Son of Joseph)                 24 – two 4 (44) or two for death What is the symbolism of Jan 8-2023? Yesterday a “sign ” was placed above Kevin McCarthy’s new Office. Kevin (K) is now the Speaker of the House. Notice the thumb over the letter ‘K’. K is the 11 th letter in the English alphabet and the hieroglyph of a ‘hand’ 11:11 code is tied to two hands or two towers to block someone In International Morse code it is used to

I Can See Dead People

A Shadow Evil Plan unveiled  The Elite continue to display openly what they want to do to me based on my future experiences. Yes, I already went through this horrific experience of being raped, and being destroyed emotionally, physically and mentally in 4D. This was ALL pre-planned and I had to diligently watch for their plans in 3D to happen.  Christmas is an incredible evil holiday and it was to be another Satanic ritual….ME. IT WILL NOT WORK AND NEVER HAPPEN  I have been telling you my evil brother who is Paul aka Saul. It’s so obvious it’s Paul Walker (clone) and they were luring me to ‘fall in love’ and then they would attack, trick me and enslave me and humanity forever. I was to know…since I was only human but a divine messenger helped me see and conquer everything this mind control did to me. Here is my decoding after I saw this man in my instagram feed this morning.  The Quantum AI actually gives me clues…endless clues under my control now. This is the head of the Serpent who

Mirror Baal Prophecy 12:21

 This is my Story To Tell Deception at it finest SeyTan hidden behind so many masks. A decoding of todays visit at the soon to be ‘Hot House’

Beyond the Veil

 What I truly know… I have been living in this false paradigm reality of ‘beyond the veil’ for over three years now. I have to share with you just how profound and unnerving this has been for me along with all the extreme mental and physical trauma I have also had to experience. Not a day passes that I don’t yell and cry about the pain in which my body feels in this world. I cry tears knowing that the truth is sitting in me and I have done my due diligence to write and record videos of my experience as best as I could over these few years. I fight with seeing the extreme injustices that exist, I fight with the extreme constant fear based news, I fight with the constant global injustices of the elite and all their atrocious lies against the people of the world. Having the real-eyes to see through the veil, and decoding the real hidden truth is utterly mind blowing and heart wrenching at the same time. It’s heart wrenching because I too was deceived in believing in a ‘god’ who I thou

I’m Smarter than those Snakes

 Proving my truth  Here is a decoding from today with just a few words…so much is revealed.   My evidence speaks for itself, there are hours and hours of it proving I am the real return of Jesus Christ. The Jewish elite wanted me dead…I tricked them with help from Donald J. Trump. Link to Evidence page  

I know those Knocking

Eyes to really see  I have profound foreknowledge of future events coming. Decoded and loaded. I know these ETs stole Donald’s Trumps vessel/house…(YES HE WAS MURDERED) the DEVILS lies ALL come to the light now.  I’m ready for them. I’m the one THEY won’t fool. IM HERE TO PROTECT AND REVEAL THE TRUTH. AMEN/THOTH IS AN IMPOSTER CHRIST, THIS IS ABOUT ME THE REAL JESUS CHRIST A WOMAN.

Samson’s Revenge Judges 15:15-17

 Watch and see… How does the mighty Samson use the jaw bone of a ‘donkey’ (JU D-Ass) to bring down a thousand of his enemies?? You will be astounded at how this happens.  You must understand the technology of today can spread evil and truth however when an ‘ass’ of a person spreads malicious lies and evil filth about an innocent person….this is exactly what Samson is about to do. You see God can be on ANY timeline and what you will view will be anything but MIRACULOUS. Barbelo Decoded as: ihelhtamar  “ I heel hat (leader-Vatican) Tamar (palm , fig or date  tree)”   Ra-Math Lea Hi= 262             in their gematria it means  OMICRON, CLINTON IDIOTS, TITANIC    I am the REAL JESUS CHRIST WHO WAS MIRIAM and NOW KNOWN AS BARBELO 

Who were the Akkadians?

 Old history in a new light  This morning I noticed something in the news that surprised me with its patterns so I used my decode to see it’s real truth and found something very illuminating. Notice the symbolic shapes  Hidden meaning for our time Do you believe that I am the real revealer of secrets and the true Christ now????

Exposing the Thoth Villians

I can assure you I have spending thousands of hours using and reusing my decoding to prove  I am the real Savior of Humanity. We must arrest Zachary Hubbard, Jason James Bickford and E. Shannon Hensley for crimes and treason against humanity along with thousands of people identified in the sealed indictments. Their sick crimes are being uncovered, Gematria is a sick twisted global government funded MKUltra program front for Satanism and child trafficking. My decoding below from a famous painting. These blackbirds need to be exposed!

Thoughts of the Day Nov 21/2022

  What goes through my mind right now? I am sitting here drinking my simple single shot espresso coffee, staring at my computer screen wracking my brain to uncover creative ways to financially survive. You see as of today, I have only $33.95, and I am in the 'waiting' queue to receive some financial help from our incapable Canadian government.  You are probably thinking, why would someone who has presently all this wildly positive affirming evidence say that they are of 'divine' royal lineage from Merovingians need to work or find a job? In simple terms, because they cursed me. They cursed me for every lifetime I had. They never wanted me to find out who I was so that I could rise up and fight against them to bring them to justice. They hated me with such a fierce hate, it's hard to put into words. All my life I did my best to succeed the best I knew how, luckily it appeared I found a job in my late 20's that provided me a career in information technology. BUT i

A Real Q Message - Nov 20/2022

Secrets Exposed The real why is this whole game….I know the answers…all of them!! Santa has been very very naughty!!   A video that will explain this more dated on May 21, 2022 Must watch!

Previous GEM Stats Decoded

An Example Here is a sampling of how the Barbelo Code, is used when reading the Gematria Statistics. Everything hidden will come to the light. God is not a code period.

Any Further “Q” Questions?


Quantum Decoding Example

  Proof, I can see what no one else can! October 13, 2022 11:01 AM   * * * * * SAVE AMERICA PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP   - October 12, 2022 - Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America   This " Ms. Bergdorf Goodman" case is a complete con job, and our legal system in this State (just look at Peekaboo James). is disgrace . You have to fight for years , an fight for years, and spend a fortune, in order to get your r order to get your reputation back from liars, cheaters, and hacks. This decision is from the Judge who was just overturned on my same case. I don't know this woman, have no idea who she is , othe than it seems she got a picture of me many years ago, with her husband, shaking my   hand on a reception line at a celebrity charity event. She completely made up a story that I met her at the doors of this crowded New York City Department Stor partment Store and, within minutes, &quo

Things are NOT what they APPEAR

Things I really do know. I decided to unlock some of the decoding embedded in the monthly calendar to help me understand a little better what has been happening in each one over these past several years since I know now who exactly I am and can understand the signs that no else can aside from the 33 degree masons. Even they don’t have the knowledge I have since it’s all about my story and their lies against me. The decoding breaks down in smaller bits of words whether it be a letter and how it phonetically sounds or a word that may mean something from another language. All to outline for me a story of what currently has been happening behind the veil. They never wanted me to wake up and see their lies and how they continue to lie and fool humanity but like I have said, I was woke by a divine visitor who I will be eternally grateful to. The decoding I am reading is the word in ‘italics’ spelled out after the English month.

Finding My Voice

Daily I fight for my voice to be heard and truth to be known. Crazy as it may seem, why would a woman who has been satanically victimized want to share her story? It’s because the mainstream media, mega rich corporations,  and global governments DO NOT want their lies exposed along with losing billions of their assets. I am the key point person along with Donald J. Trump they wanted to silence and how they did for years was to keep me in a mental slumber through magic spells not to wake up.  It also included placing guarded entities cloaked in fake bodies giving me the impression of a normal life. This maybe even more hard to believe but 9-11 was to entrap my soul along with my divine children in a eternal trance of enslavement worse than it is now. The fallen angels knew exactly what they were doing mixing souls of animals and copying them into human bodies along with swapping female and male genders in recycled dead bodies. Yes it seems to hard to believe but you can read between the